Endorsement of the IFCLA Conference on Digital Law and Policy

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Endorsement of the IFCLA Conference on Digital Law and Policy

As the leading professional organization dedicated to advancing the field of information management, information technology and information provision in the Netherlands, we are proud to endorse the upcoming IFCLA Conference on Digital Law and Policy 2024 on June 13 and 14 in Amsterdam, bringing together some of the brightest minds and most influential voices in digital law and policy.

3 mei 2024

The IFCLA Conference provides a unique platform for legal experts, policymakers, academics, and IT professionals, to explore the latest developments, strategies, and challenges at the intersection of technology and law. This year’s agenda features insightful keynotes, interactive panels, and in-depth workshops focusing on critical topics such as data protection, cybersecurity, digital ethics, and regulatory compliance.

We believe that participation in the IFCLA Conference is invaluable for anyone involved in the IT sector who seeks to navigate the complex legal landscapes influenced by technology’s rapid evolution. Attendees will benefit from networking opportunities, engaging discussions, and practical knowledge that can be directly applied to their professional roles.

We encourage all our members and stakeholders to attend the IFCLA Conference on Digital Law and Policy on June 13 and 14 in Amsterdam. By participating, you will gain insights that will not only enhance your understanding of digital law but also equip you with the tools to innovate responsibly and sustainably in our digital world.

>> More information and register

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